Our mission is to inspire Middle and High School students to develop into connected adults with opportunities to serve during in the church using their individual gifts. (Opportunities include: ushers, greeters, sound, production, praise & worship, etc).

Our theme verse is Galatians 2:20, as we strive to shape our student's to be a light and a reflection of Christ's love to those around them.


“Serving Eagle’s Nest Students by establishing a space for them to worship God, connect with others, and establish an authentic, Biblical, faith”

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MIDDLE SCHOOL (7th to 10th)

ENYouth’s Middle School program is designed to aid students in the transitions into and out of Middle school, to assist students into voluntarily taking bigger steps to strengthen their own personal faith, to accept students so that they may feel welcomed and loved, and to encourage students to establish their own authentic, Biblical, faith so that they will grow into humble, patient, and loving servants of Jesus Christ. All of this is made possible with congregational worship, fellowship-based activities, Biblical-based teaching, and small group discussions with their leaders.

ENYouth’s Middle School Program takes place on Sunday mornings during our regular church service time between 9:30 and 11am.

HIGH SCHOOL (9th to 12th)

ENYouth’s High School Program is titled “The Feed Company” which serves as both a look to the founding of Eagle’s Nest in a Feed Company, and as a practical acronym for “Fellowship, Extolment, Evangelism, and Discipleship”. These students will have opportunities for them to learn how to be in a regular church service, and how their gifts and talents can be used for the larger body of Christ. Our goal for High School students is to support them in their bridge into authentic relationship with Jesus Christ so much that they will view “adult church” as just “their church”, and be encouraged to use their abilities for God and for others.

“The Feed Company” includes attending Sunday morning Services, Younglife Club and Campaigners, and “The Cathedral”.



  • Younglife Club on Mondays — 7-8:30PM

    ENYouth High School students are invited to attend YoungLife Club! SoDel’s YL leader Matt Windsor leads our young people to 'experience life as God designed it to be lived’ with games, scripture reading, and authentic conversation of the world around us. We believe that this community is the best way for us to offer a place for students to find their hope, meaning and belonging and accepting them every step of the way.

    The location of Younglife Club currently changes each week, so please email aflack@eaglesnest.ch for more info!

  • The Cathedral on the third Friday Night 7-9PM

    “The Cathedral” is an event for all High School Students to attend in order to experience a church service specifically catered to them. This experience provides an outlet for students to have a place to be spiritually fed in their language, and to introduce them to a lot of different types of people who live their lives for Jesus as each event will have a different guest speaker. This is to encourage them to find role models, and their gifts, so that they may discover God’s plan for their lives.

    The Cathedral’s Next Event is October 20th, 2023 in the Church Lobby

  • Younglife Campaigners on Wednesdays — 7-8:30PM

    ENYouth High School students are also invited to YoungLife Campaigners! This is a weekly Bible Study that bridges students from Club, to a deeper look into God’s Word, and how it applies to them. Campaigners also serve as an opportunity to get students who know nothing about God, to be able to be plugged into local churches, and experience a relationship with Jesus Christ for the first time.

    Younglife Campaigners takes place at Matt Windsor’s house at 11363 Eagle Run, Lincoln, DE

  • We are currently working on establishing Lifegroups for High Schoolers. Not Lifegroups like you’re used to where you have to set aside another day of the week to commit to, but rather, we’re labeling Lifegroups as any event in which leaders and students are in a group for the purpose of growing deeper in their faith with Jesus Christ.

    Lifegroups range from post-service lunch groups, to a devotional accountability group, to prayer chains. These events will start naturally as students meet leaders who intentionally will lead them into these kinds of discussions.

The Feed Company